Keeping memories
— alive
Keeping memories
— alive


Each of our jewelry pieces cradles its own unique story.

About us

Sevenworlds is a jewelry brand whose design is inspired by the cultures and ethnicities of the seven continents. Each piece holds its own unique story, which gives it a special meaning and uniqueness.
Have you ever thought that people have more in common than different? Similar elements in culture, traditions, in family values?
And these grains of simple but important things were preserved and passed on from generation to generation in the form of simple and understandable little things.

Empress Theodora

497—06.28/548 CE
Empress Theodora was one of the most powerful women in Byzantium. Translated from Greek, her name means "God's gift." Being the wife of Justinian I, she was a woman of strong will and clear mind who shared the imperial affairs with her husband. She governed the politics of Byzantium, and her word carried great weight.
She governed the politics of Byzantium, and her word carried great weight. Often, her husband was saved by Theodora's resourcefulness, and thanks to her strength of spirit, a major rebellion was suppressed. The Empress fought for women's rights at the legislative level, protected the poor, and adhered to religion.

Behind Sevenwords

Sevenworlds means the seven continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia&Oceania, North America, South America, the Modern World.
But the brand isn’t about seven continents — it’s about worlds. About the worlds of people, the worlds of cultures, the worlds without barriers and boundaries, except for personal identity.
Here, each island is like a separate page in an adventure book, full of vast spaces and mysterious legends, where the life forces of nature intertwine with mystical stories.
— Australia&Oceania
Australia and Oceania are lands of enchanting sunsets, deep coral reefs, and vast ocean expanses, where each island is a page in an adventure book filled with immense spaces and mysterious legends.
But the brand isn’t about seven continents — it’s about worlds. About the worlds of people, the worlds of cultures, the worlds without barriers and boundaries, except for personal identity.
Here, each island is like a separate page in an adventure book, full of vast spaces and mysterious legends, where the life forces of nature intertwine with mystical stories.
— Asia
In this land, saturated with the aromas of spices and the sounds of mantras, every person finds their place and path, inspired by the richness of cultural heritage and the spiritual depth of millennia. Asia is not just land; it's a cosmos where cultures and religions create a unique kaleidoscopic impression.
But the brand isn’t about seven continents — it’s about worlds. About the worlds of people, the worlds of cultures, the worlds without barriers and boundaries, except for personal identity.
Here, each island is like a separate page in an adventure book, full of vast spaces and mysterious legends, where the life forces of nature intertwine with mystical stories.
— Africa
A continent of passion and vitality, shrouded in mysterious mysticism and the wild beauty of nature.
But the brand isn’t about seven continents — it’s about worlds. About the worlds of people, the worlds of cultures, the worlds without barriers and boundaries, except for personal identity.
Here, each island is like a separate page in an adventure book, full of vast spaces and mysterious legends, where the life forces of nature intertwine with mystical stories.
— North America
North America is a continent where turbulent streams of cultures and traditions merge, creating a mosaic of diversity and innovation. Here, every corner is imbued with the spirit of striving for success and freedom, inspiring new discoveries and achievements.
But the brand isn’t about seven continents — it’s about worlds. About the worlds of people, the worlds of cultures, the worlds without barriers and boundaries, except for personal identity.
Here, each island is like a separate page in an adventure book, full of vast spaces and mysterious legends, where the life forces of nature intertwine with mystical stories.
— Europe
Europe is the cradle of modern civilization, imbued with the spirit of the times, where family heirlooms carry not just material value, but also a wealth of stories passed from generation to generation.
But the brand isn’t about seven continents — it’s about worlds. About the worlds of people, the worlds of cultures, the worlds without barriers and boundaries, except for personal identity.
Here, each island is like a separate page in an adventure book, full of vast spaces and mysterious legends, where the life forces of nature intertwine with mystical stories.
— The Modern World
The 7’th World is a continent of endless cultural diversity, where every corner is filled with a multitude of languages, beliefs, and customs, creating a unique mosaic of cultural interweaving.
But the brand isn’t about seven continents — it’s about worlds. About the worlds of people, the worlds of cultures, the worlds without barriers and boundaries, except for personal identity.
Here, each island is like a separate page in an adventure book, full of vast spaces and mysterious legends, where the life forces of nature intertwine with mystical stories.
— South America
South America: a continent of passions and diversity, where mountains and jungles inspire, and the vibrant alpaca wool and Inca gold symbolize the link between past and present.


As part of Sevenworlds, we shoot short video interviews with interesting girls and women of different nationalities from all over the world to learn more about themselves, about their family values and traditions, about their culture through the prism of one Person.